Monday, 21 November 2011

[fancy a smile with your morning cuppa?]

While scouting for a prezzie at DJs for a friend's birthday, I came across these lovely mugs by Rob Ryan.  I feel it would be good for my soul to read "Believe in People" every morning while I ate my multigrain Weet-bix and banana.
...and these His & Her mugs are lovely too!

You can check out his range here as well!


  1. It's such a pleasure to *meet* your blog!

    ... and if these mugs come is XXL then they'd really be putting a smile on my morning breakfast table!!

    Catherine @ The Spring (in Brisbane)

  2. Hello Jane

    I love the postives on the mugs (you know I'm one of those gals :)

    nice idea

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, hereiamloulou blog


  3. Those are cute! Will definitely put a smile on me every morning. Have a delightful day, Kellie xx


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