Wednesday, 4 July 2012

[she shall be inspired - living room art]

We have one big white (no longer dirty green with oversized silver tick-shaped book shelves) wall in our living room crying out for some art.
I'd love an amazing book shelf unit however drilling into the concrete walls has not been fun for even simple jobs, so I think we'll opt for something a little less labour intensive.

Jordan from Oh Happy Day styled her apartment in Paris like this...
and I'm liking...
image via oh happy day

I'm particularly interested in the shape. Two large square canvases to capture the focus rather that the black void of the television.
I think they'd look lovely and finished with a beechwood frame sitting flush to the canvas, a bit like piece featured on June's Real Living.  The lovely turquoise and pink combination in this piece is definitely a contender.
image via Real Living

Suggestions lovely readers?


  1. hi miss jane

    I love the ability to have big clean walls to decide what to place on them - bright colours / photographs / or muted black and white tones.

    gorgeous pictures

    x Loulou

    1. Thanks Loulou,
      I love having a fresh new space to work with too!
      There's still a few bare walls around the place. The next one to tackle is above the bed!
      Have a great night!

  2. Totally agree with Lou Lou - we always have white walls in each of the houses we live in and we decorate with our art - each piece has been bought to mark an occasion in our lives so its always wonderful to look at. I'm a big fan of multi-paned art too.

    1. I love love love the idea of buying art to mark an occasion.
      I've already mentioned to Dan that I'm not interested in an eternity ring later down the track and that I'd much rather a piece of art for our home that we can both enjoy!

  3. I love the idea of the birch frame - I'm planning this on a canvas at the moment! I think it's a great idea and if you use the Real Living one as a guide it shouldn't be too hard to DIY :) xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

    1. Birch! That's the word I was after!
      Thanks Anna ;)

  4. Lovely spaces! I like the last one. Have a delightful weekend ahead, Kellie xx

  5. I've been crushing out on that Real Living space for quite some time now! Love the artwork.


Thank you so much for all your lovely comments.
They truly make my day!

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